March Pastor's Pen
Welcome to March 2025, where Spring is soon to make an appearance! March is a month of transition as we move our clocks up one hour and welcome a new season. The changing of seasons always reminds us of the faithfulness of our God. Genesis 8:22 says, “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.”
Just as Spring will make an appearance sooner or later, know that the season you are currently in will soon pass as well. God is the ultimate season changer and not just in the natural but in the spiritual as well.
Be encouraged, stay faithful, be involved, and expect your miracle to happen.
We encourage you to invite someone to church this week.
We love you!
Pastor Steve & Debbie
Just as Spring will make an appearance sooner or later, know that the season you are currently in will soon pass as well. God is the ultimate season changer and not just in the natural but in the spiritual as well.
Be encouraged, stay faithful, be involved, and expect your miracle to happen.
We encourage you to invite someone to church this week.
We love you!
Pastor Steve & Debbie
Posted in Pastor\'s Pen
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