How it all started...

Full Gospel Evangelistic Center was founded in April of 1977 in Lincoln, IL. Bishop Oscar Owens listened to the call of God and moved to Lincoln to start a church. He went on to be the senior pastor for over 34 years. Under his leadership Full Gospel has experienced great moves of God, and many victories for the kingdom of God. Bishop Owens' old fashion, camp meeting style of preaching has been ranked in a class of its own. Many people across the country consider him to be one of the most loving and caring pastors in the nation. Full Gospel spent 38 years on N. Monroe St. and we still own and use the building for youth group and fellowships.

the vision...

Lead Pastor Steve Owens took over the position from his father Bishop Owens in 2011. As he ministers every Sunday, the Lord always gives Pastor Steve a fresh word. He is a mighty man of God, anointed to bring a powerful word to the people of Full Gospel. Pastor Steve, and his wife Debbie, share a vision for the people of Full Gospel. They long to see the body of Christ live in divine victory, through Jesus Christ. In 2015 Full Gospel made the move to N. McLean St. We made room to expand the vision and do more for the kingdom of God than ever before!
Where we
are headed...
Our Founding Pastor and all those who have gone before us have left us a legacy life, knowing that what we do for Christ are the things that will last for eternity. As we are turning the page to new things, the mission of taking Jesus to the whole world remains our focus. Building upon the rich foundations of our past, we are confidently and boldly living in the present and actively working toward the future until Jesus comes.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:30AM and every Wednesday at 6:30PM.